Wednesday, August 31, 2011

I'm not used to this blogging thing. For whatever reason, I don't quite know what to say. We have been building for (ahem... ) a while now. The guys are making great progress this week. Rick, our framer, asked for my camera and wanted to take a picture of us. :)

I will try and put up some pictures of where things are at.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Making hay!

We were not farmers when we got married 30 years ago. We got married in the 3rd week of May. Exactly the time of year when a farmer in southern Missouri needs to be baling the first cutting of hay. Armand mowed about 6 acres of grass on Wednesday, the 1st of June. That is really late. We are blessed that this cutting is so good. I've heard farmers talk about tons/acre. I have no idea how to figure that. All I know is that these strong young men put over 400 bales of hay in our barn today.

These kids worked SO hard today. It was nearly 100*F and the hay had to get picked up. There were much needed breaks and a couple gallons of Orange Juice downed, but they got the job done. Bechard Family Farm wants to say THANK YOU to all these young people who worked in this miserable heat.

Monday, May 9, 2011


Our first chicken day of 2011 is on Tuesday, May 17th. Only 8 days away! You can pick up at the farm on the 17th and we will be in Springfield in front of the North Mama Jean's market on Wednesday, May 18th. We are eagerly anticipating this day. By now, most of us have run out of chickens in our freezers. It is time for some FRESH chicken! 2011 marks the first time Bechard Family Farm has been able to offer a 100% GMO-free chicken! Why has it taken so long? Prior to this year, the only way we could get GMO-free grain was to purchase it in truck-load quantities. Add to that the infrastructure of housing all this grain. You can quickly see why we were not able to begin that endeavor. This year, a feed mill about 30 miles away has started carrying this new feed in very limited quantities. We have been spoiled by our other mill. They are only 5 miles away AND they deliver! We would usually have them bring out 3 tons at a time. We are trying to adapt our schedule to allow for time for Farmer to go get the new feed. So far, that has worked out. We will find out next week if there will be a taste difference. We already know there is a huge nutritional difference. Come join the real food revolution. Order your Bechard Farm GMO-free chickens today!